proc allspaces { {s } } { foreach i [split $s {}] { if {$i != " "} {return 0 } ; } ; return 1 } proc array2list { {na {cname}} {va {ccontent}} {names {cvars}} } { upvar #0 $na n $va v set list {} if {$names == {}} { set nam [array names n] } { upvar #0 $names nam } foreach i $nam { set l {} lappend l $n($i) if {[info exists v($i)] == 1} {lappend l $v($i); }; if {"$i" != "$n($i)"} { lappend l $i }; lappend list $l } return $list } proc block_del { {n } } { global mc; foreach i [$mc find withtag $n] { if {[lindex [ $mc itemcget $i -tag ] 0] == $n} {$mc del $i} } } proc block_get_pinnames { {block } {pintype {}} } { global mc; set o {}; foreach i [eval "tag_and {$block pin $pintype}"] { lappend o [lindex [$mc itemcget $i -tags] 3] }; return $o } proc block_name_fromid { {id } } { global mc eval return [lindex [$mc itemcget $id -tags] 0] } proc blockbinds { } { global mc $mc bind all { global hx hy hl mc; set hx %X; set hy %Y; set hl [lindex [$mc gettags current] 0]; bind $mc { global hx hy hl mc; foreach i [$mc find withtag "$hl"] { if {[lindex [$mc itemcget $i -tags] 0 ] == "$hl"} {$mc move $i [expr %%X-$hx] [expr %%Y-$hy]} }; wire_update $hl ; set hx %%X; set hy %%Y; } } ; bind $mc {global mc; bind $mc {}} ; $mc bind block { if { [llength [listunion [$mc find withtag [lindex [$mc itemcget current -tags] 0] ] [ $mc find withtag bbox ] ] ] == 0 } { cbbox [lindex [$mc itemcget current -tags] 0] selection0} { eval $mc del [listunion [$mc find withtag bbox] [$mc find withtag [lindex [$mc itemcget current -tags] 0] ]]} ; } $mc bind pin { togglepinsel current } $mc bind wire { togglepinsel [tag_and [ concat [lrange [$mc itemcget current -tags] 3 4] pin]]; togglepinsel [tag_and [ concat [lrange [$mc itemcget current -tags] 5 6] pin]] } $mc bind drumbol { global mc; if {[$mc itemcget current -outline] == {}} {$mc itemco current -outline purple -width 2} {$mc itemco current -outline {}} } } proc blockclear { {blocks } } { foreach block $blocks { set v [blockfunc $block init]; global $v ; set $v {} set v [blockfunc $block]; global $v ; set $v {} foreach pin [block_get_pinnames $block] { set p [pinvar $block $pin] global $p set $p {} } } } proc blockfunc { {block } {type {}} } { set o {} if {$type != {} } {set type _$type}; append o $block . bfunc $type ; return $o } proc bvar { {block } {var } {val {}} } { set v \{$block.$var\} #puts $v #puts $vv if {$val == {}} { eval upvar #0 $v vv return $vv } { uplevel #0 set $v $val } } proc bwise { {rmw {mw}} } { uplevel #0 {if {![info exists mw]} {set mw {}} set bcount 0 set scopeindex 0 set wireindex 0 set shellindex 0 set drumindex 0 set ident 0 } global mw mc set mc $mw.c ############################ MAIN CODE ################################# mainbuttons $mw main_window $mw Main blockbinds canmenu history keep 1000 } proc canbwin { {b } } { global tt set bn {} ; append bn ".$b" "info" ; set bn [string tolower $bn] catch "destroy $bn" toplevel $bn set bs $b* uplevel #0 "eval {set tt \[info var $bs\]} " set j 0 foreach i [lsort -dict $tt] { set il [string tolower $i] frame $bn.n$j ; pack $bn.n$j -side top -expand n -fill x label $bn.n$j.l -text $i -width 8 -anchor e pack $bn.n$j.l -side left -expand n -fill x entry $bn.n$j.e -textvar $i pack $bn.n$j.e -side left -expand y -fill x incr j } frame $bn.n$j ; pack $bn.n$j -side bottom -expand n -fill none button $bn.n$j.c -text Close -command "destroy $bn" pack $bn.n$j.c -side left -expand n -fill none button $bn.n$j.e -text Eval -command "uplevel #0 eval \$\{[blockfunc $b]\}" pack $bn.n$j.e -side left -expand n -fill none incr j } proc canmenu { } { global mc catch "destroy $" menu $ -tearoff 0 $ insert 1 command -label {none} -state disabled $ insert 2 command -label "Eval" -command {global mc; set t "[$ entrycget 0 -label]" ; uplevel #0 eval $\{[blockfunc $t]\} } $ insert 3 command -label "Data" -command {global mc; set t "[$ entrycget 0 -label]" ; canbwin $t } $ insert 4 command -label "Propagate" -command {global mc; set t "[$ entrycget 0 -label]" ; run $t} $ insert 5 command -label "Transfer" -command {global mc; set t "[$ entrycget 0 -label]" ; transfer $t} $ insert 6 command -label "Run" -command {global mc; set t "[$ entrycget 0 -label]" ;uplevel #0 eval $\{[blockfunc $t]\}; run $t} # $ insert 5 command -label "Info" -command {global mc; set t "[$ entrycget 0 -label]" ; set infoline "$t [block_get_pinnames $t]"; eval set befunc "\${$t.bfunc}" } $mc bind all {global mc; $ entryco 0 -label [block_name_fromid current]; tk_popup $ [expr %X-0] %Y 1} } proc cbbox { {name {all}} {selection {selection0}} } { global mc; set tl {}; foreach i [$mc find withtag $name] { if {[lsearch -exact [$mc itemcget $i -tags] wire ] < 0} {lappend tl $i} }; set t [eval $mc create rect [eval $mc bbox $tl] -fill red -tags "{$name bbox $selection}" ]; $mc lower $t;set lx [$mc coords $t]; eval $mc create text [expr ([ lindex $lx 0 ]+[ lindex $lx 2 ])/2 ] [expr [lindex $lx 3]+1] -text $name -tags "{$name bb blockname bbox $selection}" -anchor n -fill red -font "{helvetica 12 bold}" } proc clength { {c } } { set r [lindex $c 0] ; set c [lindex $c 1] ; set l [expr sqrt ($r*$r + $c*$c) ] return $l } proc cmul { {a } {b } } { set ar [lindex $a 0] set ac [lindex $a 1] set br [lindex $b 0] set bc [lindex $b 1] set cr [expr $ar*$br - $ac*$bc] set cc [expr $ar*$bc + $ac*$br] set c [list $cr $cc] return $c } proc connect { {wire } {name1 } {pin1 } {name2 } {pin2 } } { global mc wireindex #puts $wire,$name1,$pin1,$name2,$pin2 set i1 [eval tag_and "{$name1 $pin1 pin}"] set i2 [eval tag_and "{$name2 $pin2 pin}"] # set i1 [find2l $name1 $pin1]; # set i2 [find2l $name2 $pin2]; #puts $i1,$i2; set x1 [lindex [$mc coords $i1] 0]; set y1 [lindex [$mc coords $i1] 1]; set x2 [lindex [$mc coords $i2] 0]; set y2 [lindex [$mc coords $i2] 1]; #puts $x1,$y1,$x2,$y2; set match {} set t1 "{[lsort [list [list $name1 $pin1] [list $name2 $pin2]]]}" foreach i [$mc find withtag wire] { set t2 "{[lsort [list [lrange [$mc itemcget $i -tags] 3 4] [lrange [$mc itemcget $i -tags] 5 6] ] ]}" #puts "$t1,$t2" if { $t1 == $t2 } { lappend match [lindex [$mc itemcget $i -tags] 0] } } # puts $match if {$match == {}} { if {$wire == ""} { set wire wire$wireindex set wireindex [expr $wireindex+1] } eval $mc create line $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -fill darkblue -tags "{$wire connect wire $name1 $pin1 $name2 $pin2}" set i [eval tag_and "{$name1 $pin1 pin}"] $mc itemco $i -fill darkblue $mc dtag $i selectedpin set i [eval tag_and "{$name2 $pin2 pin}"] $mc itemco $i -fill darkblue $mc dtag $i selectedpin } { foreach i $match { $mc del $i} } } proc createscope { {name {scope}} } { global mc scopeindex if {$name == "scope"} {set name $name$scopeindex; set scopeindex [expr $scopeindex+1] } newblock $name 0 0 200 120 {in trigger} frame $mc.$name eval $mc create window 20 10 -anchor nw -height 100 -width 170 -tags "{$name crb scopewindow}" -window $mc.$name canvas $mc.$name.c -height 10 -width 10 -bg gray10 pack $mc.$name.c -expand y -fill both $mc.$name.c create line 0 40 170 40 -fill gray30 for {set i 1} {$i<1000} {set i [expr $i+1]} { eval $mc.$name.c create line [expr $i-1] [expr 40-(40/($i/100.0))*sin(2*3.1415*($i-1)/30 )] $i [expr 40-(40/($i/100.0))*sin(2*3.1415*$i/30 ) ] -fill lightblue -tags "{$name createscope channel1}" } eval scrollbar $mc.$name.s -orient horiz -command "{$mc.$name.c xview}" eval $mc.$name.c conf -xscrollcommand "{$mc.$name.s set}" -scrollregion "{0 0 1000 100}" pack $mc.$name.s -side bottom -expand 0 -fill x } proc createshell { {name {shell}} } { global mc shellindex if {$name == "shell"} {set name $name$shellindex; set shellindex [expr $shellindex+1] } newblock $name 0 0 200 120 {command ouput do} frame $mc.$name ; eval $mc create window 20 10 -anchor nw -height 100 -width 170 -tags "{$name crb shellwindow}" -window $mc.$name set t $name; append t _entry entry $mc.$name.e -textvar $t eval set ttt "{$mc.$name.t insert end \"\\n\$$t\\n\" tred; $mc.$name.t insert end \"\[eval \$$t\]\" tnavy; $mc.$name.t see end; $mc.$name.e selection range 0 end}" # puts ,$ttt, button $mc.$name.b -text Eval -command "$ttt" -borderw 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 # "$mc.$name.t insert end \n\\\$$t\\n tred; $mc.$name.t insert end [eval \\\$$t]; $mc.$name.t see end; $mc.$name.e select 0 end" # '{eval \$name"_entry}" pack $mc.$name.e -side bottom -anchor s -expand n -fill x pack $mc.$name.b -side bottom -anchor s -expand n -fill x text $mc.$name.t pack $mc.$name.t -side top -anchor n -expand n -fill both $mc.$name.t tag configure tred -foreground red -font "helvetica 8" $mc.$name.t tag configure tnavy -foreground navy -font "helvetica 8" bind $mc.$name.e "eval $mc.$name.b invoke" } proc dbaccess { {title {New Database}} {file {tdb.tcl}} {fields {{Name name} {Data "Data field"}}} {adbvar {dbvar}} } { global dbcurrent $adbvar currententry newcurrententry; if {[file exists $file] == 1} { set f [open $file r]; set dbvar [read $f]; close $f }; set currententry 0 set newcurrententry $currententry set dbcurrent [lindex $dbvar $currententry]; if {[winfo exists .tc] == 0} { toplevel .tc; canvas .tc.c ; pack .tc.c -expand y -fill both; } dbform $dbcurrent; } proc dbcontrol { {n } } { global dbname toplevel .dbc wm title .dbc "Database Control" set dbname $n set w .dbc frame $w.f entry $w.f.e -textvar dbname -width 30 button $w.f.s -text Save -command { global dbname currententry dbvar; display_entry $currententry set f [open $dbname w]; puts $f $dbvar; close $f } button $w.f.l -text Load -command { global dbname dbaccess [lindex [file split [file rootname $dbname]] end] $dbname } bind $w.f.e { set textname [tk_getOpenFile] } pack $w.f -side bottom -expand n -fill x pack $w.f.e -side left -expand y -fill x pack $w.f.s -side right pack $w.f.l -side right button $w.bnew -text "New Entry" -command { global dbvar newcurrententry set tt [lindex $dbvar $currententry] append dbvar " {" foreach i $tt { append dbvar [list [list [lindex $i 0] {}]] \ } append dbvar "}" set newcurrententry [expr [llength $dbvar]-1] eval [bind ] } pack $w.bnew } proc dbform { {fields } {title {Data Form}} {window {.dbf}} {fw {20}} {ew {20}} } { global dbcurrent ccontent cname cvars currententry global searchstring searchfields if {[winfo exists $window] == 0} {toplevel $window} {foreach i [winfo children $window] {destroy $i} }; $window conf -bg white; label $window.t -text $title -font "helvetica 20" -bg yellow -fg blue; pack $window.t -anchor n -padx 2 -pady 2; list2array $fields foreach i $cvars { set wn [string tolower $i]; # onefield $window.$wn $cname($i) ccontent($i) $fw $ew; onefield $window.$wn $i ccontent($i) $fw $ew; } global currententry newcurrententry frame $window.wb; pack $window.wb -side bottom -anchor s -fill x -expand n button $ -text Next -command { global newcurrententry dbvar if {$newcurrententry < [expr [llength $dbvar] -1]} {incr newcurrententry} display_entry $newcurrententry } pack $ -side right button $window.wb.pre -text Previous -command { global newcurrententry incr newcurrententry -1 if {$newcurrententry < 0} {set newcurrententry 0} display_entry $newcurrententry } entry $ -width 5 -textvar newcurrententry pack $ -side right bind $ { global newcurrententry currententry dbvar if {$newcurrententry > [expr [llength $dbvar] -1]} { set newcurrententry $currententry } if {$newcurrententry < 0 } { set newcurrententry $currententry } display_entry $newcurrententry } pack $window.wb.pre -side right frame $; pack $ -side bottom -anchor s -fill x -expand n label $ -text "Search string, fields" -font "helvetica 12" pack $ -side left entry $ -textvar searchstring -width 16 pack $ -side right entry $ -textvar searchfields -width 10 pack $ -side right bind $ { global newcurrententry; set newcurrententry [lindex [lindex [dbsearch $searchstring $searchfields [list [expr $newcurrententry+1] end]] 0] 0]; set t [bind ]; eval $t } } proc dbimcan { {s } } { global mc foreach i [$mc find withtag dbimages] { image del [lindex [$mc itemcget $i -tags ] 0] } $mc del dbimages dbtext set c 0 foreach i $s { if {[catch "image create photo -file [lindex $i 2]" im] == 0} { puts $im; set m [$mc create image [expr 85+170*($c%5)] [expr 85+175*($c/5)] -anchor c -image $im -tag "$im dbimages"] $mc bind $m "global newcurrententry set newcurrententry [lindex $i 0] eval {[bind ]} " } $mc create text [expr 85+170*($c%5)] [expr 166+175*($c/5)] -text [lindex $i 2] -font "helvetica 12 bold" -anchor n -tags "$im dbtext" ; incr c } $mc raise dbtext } proc dbsearch { {pattern } {fieldnames {}} {range {0 end}} } { global dbvar set r {} set i [lindex $range 0] foreach d [eval "lrange [list $dbvar] $range"] { foreach e $d { if {$fieldnames != {}} { foreach f $fieldnames { if [string match $f [lindex $e 0]] { if [string match $pattern [lindex $e 1]] { append r [list [list $i [lindex $e 0] [lindex $e 1] ]] \n } } } } { if [string match $pattern [lindex $e 1]] { append r [list [list $i [lindex $e 0] [lindex $e 1] ]] \n } } } incr i } return $r } proc delete_selblocks { } { global mc; foreach i [listunion [$mc find withtag selection0] [$mc find withtag bb] ] { foreach j [lindex [$mc itemcget $i -tags] 0] { block_del $j ; foreach k [$mc find withtag wire] { if {[lsearch [$mc itemcget $k -tag] $j] > 0} { $mc del $k } } } } } proc dfind { {p {}} {g {*}} } { # only use from current directory with absolute path name set r {}; if {$p == ""} { set p [pwd] } set od [pwd]; if {[file pathtype $p] == "absolute"} { set cb $p } else { set cb [pwd] } cd $p; if {[catch {glob *} l] == 0} { # puts \---$l foreach a [lsort -dict $l] { if {[string first \~ $a] < 0} { if [file isdir $a] { cd $cb if {[string first \~ $a] < 0} { append r "[dfind [file join $p $a] $g] " } } } } if {[catch "glob $g" f] == 0} { foreach j $f { if [file isfile $j] { append r "[list [file join $p $j]] " ; } } } } ; cd $od; return $r } proc display_entry { {n } } { global dbcurrent currententry dbvar set dbcurrent [array2list] update_entry set currententry $n set dbcurrent [lindex $dbvar $currententry] set pf [focus -lastfor .dbf] dbform $dbcurrent set t "focus $pf" ; catch $t update set t "$pf selection range 0 end" ; catch $t update set t "$pf icursor end" ; catch $t } proc Display_func { {l {}} } { global mc Display.In eval { $mc itemconf [$mc find withtag text] -text ${Display.In} }; #puts InDisplay return ok } proc drumscan { {bl {drum0}} {tr {bd hho hhc sd}} } { global mc set maxi 0 foreach k [listunion [$mc find withtag drumbol] [$mc find withtag $bl] ] { if {[$mc itemcget $k -outline] != {}} { eval lappend outlist \{ [string range [lindex [$mc itemcget $k -tag] 2] 4 end] [string range [lindex [$mc itemcget $k -tag] 3] 4 end] \} } set ii [string range [lindex [$mc itemcget $k -tag] 3] 4 end] if {$ii > $maxi} {set maxi $ii} } set outlist [lsort -index 1 -int $outlist] set argi "len [expr 1000+(1000/8)*$maxi] 0 0\n" foreach i $outlist { append argi "s_[lindex $i 0] [expr [lindex $i end] * 2000.0 / 16]" switch [lindex $i 0] { bd {append argi " 200 0.9"} sd {append argi " 300 0.7"} hhc {append argi " 100 0.3"} hho {append argi " 200 0.15"} ride {append argi " 300 0.8"} crash {append argi " 300 0.8"} tamb {append argi " 100 0.3"} default {append argi " 200 0.3"} } append argi "\n" } # set f [open $bl.txt w] # puts $f "len 2000" # foreach i $outlist { # puts $f "s_[lindex $i 0] [expr [lindex $i end] * 2000.0 / 16]" # } # close $f return $argi } proc dtree { {p {}} {i {0}} } { set r {}; if {$p == ""} { set p [pwd] }; set od [pwd]; cd $p; if {[catch {glob *} l] == 0} { foreach a [lsort $l] { if [file isdir $a] { for {set j 0} {$j < [expr 3*$i]} {incr j} { puts -nonewline " "; append r " " }; puts $a;append r "$a\n" ; append r [dtree [file join $p $a] [expr $i+1]] } } } ; cd $od; return $r } proc fac { {f } } {if {$f >1} { return [expr [fac [expr $f-1]] * $f] } { return $f } } proc find { {p {.}} {s {*}} } { set r {} ; foreach i [glob $s] { if {[file isdir $i] == 0} { append r [file join $p $i] " " } } } proc find2l { {l1 } {l2 } } { global mc foreach i [$mc find withtag $l1] { if {[lsearch [$mc itemcget $i -tags] $l2 ] >= 0} {return $i} } } proc fire { {b } } { eval "b_eval" } proc firefull { } { global mc set o {}; foreach i [tag_and block] { lappend o [lindex [$mc itemcget $i -tags] 0] } firelist $o } proc firelist { {l } } { global bfunc t #puts "lenght: [llength $l]" set m [llength $l] for {set i 0} {$i < $m} {incr i} { #puts "i=$i" foreach n $l { #puts *********$n********** transfer $l set f {} append f [blockfunc $n {}] global $f #puts 1,$f eval set fc \$\{$f\} #puts 2,$f,$fc set t $fc #puts \[\[\[$t\]\]\] #puts "executing: $f,$fc,$$f,$t" uplevel #0 $t ; #puts ********************* } } } proc flood { {block } {pin } } { global mc; set delay 1000; if {$block == {} && $pin == {} } {return {}}; showactive $block $pin red; update; foreach w [pin_get_wirenames $block $pin] { set nb [lindex [wire_other $w $block $pin] 0]; foreach o [block_get_pinnames $nb typeout] { eval "after $delay {flood $nb $o}" } }; eval "after $delay showactive $block $pin navy"; update } proc gen_drumtrack { {bl {drum}} {tr {bd hho hhc sd ride crash tamb}} {steps {16}} } { global mc drumindex if {$bl == "drum"} {set bl $bl$drumindex; set drumindex [expr $drumindex+1] } # newblock $bl 0 0 220 120 {trigger_in trigger_out command} # $mc create rect 10 10 210 110 -fill white -tags "$bl newblock workp" set ym [expr [llength $tr]-1] newblock $bl 0 0 [expr 36+8*($steps)] [expr 60+$ym*20 ] {trigger_in trigger_out command} $mc create rect 10 10 [expr 36+8*($steps)-10] [expr 60+$ym*20-10 ] -fill white -tags "$bl newblock workp" set j 0 for {set i 0} {$i < $steps} {set i [expr $i+4]} { $mc create line [expr 21 + 8*$i] 10 [expr 21 + 8*$i] [expr 60+$ym*20-10 ] -fill blue -tags "$bl sepa" } foreach n $tr { $mc create line 10 [expr $j*20+30] [expr 36+8*($steps)-10] [expr $j*20+30] -fill red -tags "$bl workp $n" $mc create text 10 [expr 20*$j+27] -text "$n" -tags "$bl workp text$n" -fill blue -anchor sw for {set i 0} {$i < $steps} {set i [expr $i+1]} { $mc create oval [expr 18 + 8*$i] [expr 20*$j+27] [expr 24 +8*$i] [expr 20*$j+33] -fill red -outline {} -tags "$bl drumbol drtr$n drtr$i" ; } set j [expr $j+1] } } proc gen_html_page { {title } {body } } { set o {} append o \n $title \n append o \n append o



\n append o $body append o append o \n return $o } proc gen_netlist { } { global mc set o "" foreach w [tag_and wire] { append o "connect [lindex [$mc itemcget $w -tags] 0] [lrange [$mc itemcget $w -tags] 3 6] \n" } return $o } proc genadd { {a } {b } {c } {d } } { # {f {}} {name {}} {in {in}} {out {out}} {width {40}} {height {}} {tags {}} {x {10}} {y {10}} set n add11 newproc "set $n.o \[expr \${$n.a} + \${$n.b}\]" $n {a b} o 40 {} {add} set n add12 newproc "set $n.o \[expr \${$n.a} + \${$n.b}\]" $n {a b} o 40 {} {add} set n add13 newproc "set $n.o \[expr \${$n.a} + \${$n.b}\]" $n {a b} o 40 {} {add} connect wa10 add11 a $a $b connect wa11 add11 b $c $d connect wa12 add12 a $a $b connect wa13 add12 b $c $d connect wa14 add13 a $a $b connect wa15 add13 b $c $d set n add21 newproc "set $n.o \[expr \${$n.a} + \${$n.b}\]" $n {a b} o 40 {} {add} set n add22 newproc "set $n.o \[expr \${$n.a} + \${$n.b}\]" $n {a b} o 40 {} {add} connect wa1 add11 o add21 a connect wa2 add12 o add21 b connect wa3 add13 o add22 b connect wa4 add12 o add22 a set n add31 newproc "set $n.o \[expr \${$n.a} + \${$n.b}\]" $n {a b} o 40 {} {add} connect wa5 add21 o add31 a connect wa6 add22 o add31 b } proc genwire { } { global mc set t [lrange [$mc find withtag selectedpin] 0 1] if {[llength $t] == 2} { connect {} [lindex [$mc itemcget [lindex $t 0] -tags] 0] [lindex [$mc itemcget [lindex $t 0] -tags] 3] [lindex [$mc itemcget [lindex $t 1] -tags] 0] [lindex [$mc itemcget [lindex $t 1] -tags] 3] } } proc get_procvanilla { } { global defaultprocs ; set f [open defaultprocs.tcl r]; if {$f == {}} {return -1} set defaultprocs [ read $f ] ; close $f return 0 } proc get_varvanilla { } { global defaultvars ; set f [open defaultvars.tcl r]; if {$f == {}} {return -1} set defaultvars [ read $f ] ; close $f return 0 } proc grep { {a } {fs {*}} } { set o {} foreach n [lsort -incr -dict [glob $fs]] { set f [open $n r] set c 0 set new 1 while {[eof $f] == 0} { set l [gets $f] incr c if {[string first $a $l] > -1} { if {$new == 1} {set new 0; append o "*** $n:" \n} append o "$c:$l" \n } } close $f } return $o } proc l { {n {*}} } { set r {} ; foreach f [lsort -dict [glob $n]] {if {[file isdir $f] == 0} {append r $f \t } {append r $f \\ \t }} ; return $r } proc list2array { {list } {na {cname}} {va {ccontent}} {names {cvars}} } { upvar #0 $na n $va v if {$names != {}} {upvar #0 $names x} if {[info exists n] == 1} {unset n} if {[info exists v] == 1} {unset v} set x {} foreach i $list { set a [lindex $i 0]; set b [lindex $i 1]; set c [lindex $i 2] if {$c == {}} {set c $a} lappend x $c set n($c) $a; set v($c) $b } } proc listunion { {a } {b } } { global mc set l {}; foreach i $a { if {[lsearch -exact $b $i] >= 0} {lappend l $i} } ; return $l } proc loaddb { {fn {dbtab.txt}} } { global db set db {} set f [open $fn r] while {[eof $f] ==0} {append db \{ [gets $f] \} \n} close $f } proc main_window { {root } {lproject } } { global mw mc project set mw $ set mc $mw.c set project $lproject catch {destroy $mw [winfo children $mw]} if {$root == ""} { wm title . Bwise wm geometry . 500x350 } frame $mw -width 400 -height 300; pack $mw -side bottom -expand y -fill both -anchor s scrollbar $mw.hscroll -orient horiz -command "$mc xview" scrollbar $mw.vscroll -command "$mc yview" canvas $mc -width 1000 -height 800 -bg gray80 -scrollregion {0 0 1000 800} -xscrollcommand "$mw.hscroll set" -yscrollcommand "$mw.vscroll set" pack $mw.vscroll -side right -fill y pack $mw.hscroll -side bottom -fill x pack $mc -side right -expand n -fill both } proc mainbuttons { {root } } { global mw bwisepath set mb $root.fb catch {destroy $mb} frame $mb pack $mb -side top -fill x -expand y -anchor n button $mb.bnewb -text "New Block" -command {newblock {} } pack $mb.bnewb -side left -fill none -expand n if {$root == ""} {global tcl_interative; button $mb.quit -text "Quit" -command {eval destroy [winfo children .]; if {$tcl_interactive == 0} {destroy .} } } {button $mb.quit -text "Quit" -command "eval destroy [winfo children $root]" } pack $mb.quit -side right -fill none -expand n # image create photo paperim -file $bwisepath/paper.gif image create photo paperim -file paper.gif button $mb.p -image paperim -borderw 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 -relief flat -command createshell pack $mb.p -side left button $mb.bwire -text "Wire" -command genwire -fg green pack $mb.bwire -side left -fill none -expand n button $mb.bcdrum -text "Drum" -command gen_drumtrack button $mb.bcscope -text "Scope" -command createscope pack $mb.bcdrum -side left pack $mb.bcscope -side left button $mb.bscan -text "Scan Drum" -command {exec drumip.exe drum0.wav << [drumscan] &} pack $mb.bscan -side right -fill none -expand 0 button $mb.bdel -text "Del Sel" -command delete_selblocks pack $mb.bdel -side right -expand n -fill none button $mb.bsave -text "Save" -command save_canvas pack $mb.bsave -side right -fill none -expand 0 button $mb.bload -text "Load" -command {reload_canvas} pack $mb.bload -side right -fill none -expand 0 } proc matdiag { {n {3}} {e {1}} } { set a "\{ " ; set a {} for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} { set r "\{ "; for {set j 0} {$j<$n} {incr j} { #puts $i,$j if {$i == $j} { append r " $e" } { append r " 0" } } ; append r " \} "; append a $r } ; #append a " \}"; return $a } proc matmul { {a } {b } } { set r {} set n [llength $a] foreach s $b { for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} { set t 0 for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} { set t [expt $t+] } append r } } } proc matprint { {a } } { foreach r $a { puts "$r" } } proc matsweep { {a } {b } } { #incomplete set x {} for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $b]} {incr i} {append x "0 "} for { set i [llength $a] } {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { set r [lindex $a $i] puts $r set w {} set d [expr [lindex $r 0] / [lindex $b i] foreach {set j 0} {$j < [llength b]} {incr j} { append w " [expr []-[lindex $r $j]/$d]" } } return $x } proc netlistout { {tag {}} } { set o {}; foreach id [eval tag_and "{block $tag}"] { set bl [block_name_fromid $id]; foreach pin [block_get_pinnames $bl typeout] { foreach wire [pin_get_wirenames $bl $pin] { set ot [wire_other $wire $bl $pin]; if {$ot != {}} { lappend o "$bl $pin $ot" # puts "$bl $pin $ot" } } } } return $o; } proc newadd { {nin } {name } } { set in "\{" set f "\{set $name.out \[ expr " for {set i 0} {$i < $nin} {incr i} { append in " in$i" append f " + \$\{$$i\}" } append f " \]\}" append in " trig \} " eval newproc "$f $name $in" } proc newarray { {nx {3}} {ny {3}} {bn {array}} {fs {}} {ib {}} {ipi {}} {jb {}} {jpi {}} } { for {set i 0} {$i < $nx} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j < $ny} {incr j} { if {$fs == {}} {eval "set f \{ set $bn${i}_$j.o {} ; append \{$bn${i}_$j.o\} \$\{$bn${i}_$j.i1\} \$\{$bn${i}_$j.i2\} \}"} newproc $f $bn${i}_$j {i1 i2} {o} {40} {} {array a${i}_$j} [expr 200 + 80 * $i] [expr 200 + 60 * $j] set ip [expr $i -1] ; set jp [expr $j -1] if {$i>0} { connect ${bn}1${i}_$j $bn${ip}_$j o $bn${i}_$j i1} {if {$ib != {}} {connect ${bn}1${i}_$j $ib $ipi $bn${i}_$j i1} } if {$j>0} { connect ${bn}2${i}_$j $bn${i}_$jp o $bn${i}_$j i2} {if {$jb != {}} {connect ${bn}2${i}_$j $jb $jpi $bn${i}_$j i2} } } } } proc newblock { {name {}} {x {0}} {y {0}} {w {50}} {h {50}} {pinsin {in1 in2}} {pinsout {}} {moretags {}} } { global bcount mw mc if {$name == ""} {set name "block$bcount" ; set bcount [expr $bcount +1]} eval $mc create rect $x $y [expr $x+$w] [expr $y+$h] -tags "{$name newblock block $moretags}" -fill yellow -outline darkblue eval $mc create text [expr $x+$w/2] [expr $y+$h] -anchor n -text $name -fill darkblue -tags "{$name crb label $moretags}" set ii 0 foreach i $pinsin { eval $mc create text [expr $x-1] [expr $y+19+$ii] -anchor se -text $i -tags "{$name crb pinname $i $moretags}" eval $mc create line [expr $x-20] [expr $y+20+$ii] [expr $x+0] [expr $y+20+$ii] -width 2 -fill darkblue -tags "{$name newblock pin $i typein $moretags}" set ii [expr $ii+15] } set ii 0 foreach i $pinsout { eval $mc create text [expr $x+$w+1] [expr $y+19+$ii] -anchor sw -text $i -tags "{$name crb pinname $i $moretags}" eval $mc create line [expr $x+$w+20] [expr $y+20+$ii] [expr $x+$w+0] [expr $y+20+$ii] -width 2 -fill darkblue -tags "{$name newblock pin $i typeout $moretags}" set ii [expr $ii+15] } } proc newdisp { {name } } { global mc $name.bfunc newblock $name 10 10 70 90 {in trig} for {set x 0} {$x < 5} {incr x} { for {set y 0} {$y < 7} {incr y} { $mc create oval [expr $x*10+22] [expr $y*10+22] [expr $x*10+22 +6] [expr $y*10 + 22 +6] -fill red -tags "$name ll dot x$x y$y" } } blockclear $name set $name.bfunc "for {set x 0} {\$x < 5} {incr x} { for {set y 0} {\$y < 7} {incr y} { \$mc itemco \[tag_and \"$name dot x\$x y\$y\"\] -fill \[lindex \${$} \[expr \$x*7+\$y\]\] } }" } proc newentry { {width {60}} {height {30}} {tags {}} {name {}} } { if {$name == {}} { uplevel #0 {if {[info exists entrycount] == "0"} {set entrycount 0} ;} global entrycount incr entrycount set name Entry$entrycount } set t [blockfunc $name] global mc $t; #eval "global mc ; set $t {$mc.$name select range 0 end}" newblock $name 0 0 $width $height {} out $tags blockclear $name set lc [string tolower $name] entry $mc.$lc -width 5 -textvar $name.out $mc create window 3 5 -window $mc.$lc -tags "{$name}" -anchor nw bind $mc.$lc " uplevel #0 run $name" return $name } proc newimage { {file } } { global mc set imn [lindex [file split [file rootname $file]] end] set im [image create photo $imn -file $file] set w [image width $im] ; set h [image height $im] newproc {} $im in out $w $h $mc create image 10 10 -image $im -tags "$im newimage block image" -anchor nw } proc newmon { {keep {0}} {width {80}} {height {65}} {tags {}} {name {}} } { if {$name == {}} { uplevel #0 {if {[info exists moncount] == "0"} {set moncount 0} ;} global moncount incr moncount set name Mon$moncount } set t [blockfunc $name] global mc $t; #eval "global mc ; set $t {$mc.$name select range 0 end}" newblock $name 0 0 $width $height {in trig} {} $tags blockclear $name set lc [string tolower $name] text $mc.$lc -width 12 -height 5 -font "helvetica 7" -borderwidth 1 -border 1 $mc create window 4 4 -window $mc.$lc -tags "{$name}" -anchor nw #bind $mc.$lc " uplevel #0 run $name" if {$keep != 0} { set $t "$mc.$lc insert end \"\$\{$\} \\n\" ; $mc.$lc see end" } { set $t "$mc.$lc del 0.0 end ;$mc.$lc insert end \"\$\{$\} \\n\" ; $mc.$lc see end" } return $name } proc newproc { {f {}} {name {}} {in {in}} {out {out}} {width {40}} {height {}} {tags {}} {x {10}} {y {10}} } { if {$name == {}} { uplevel #0 {if {[info exists proccount] == "0"} {set proccount 0} ;} global proccount incr proccount set name Proc$proccount } set t [blockfunc $name] global mc $t; set $t {} if {$height == {}} { if {[llength $in] > [llength $out]} { set height [expr 15+ 15 * [llength $in]] } { set height [expr 15+ 15 * [llength $out]] } } newblock $name $x $y $width $height $in $out $tags blockclear $name if {$f == {}} { eval "set f \{ set $name.out \$\{$\} \}" } set $t $f return $name } proc newseq { {n {8}} {name {}} {del {500}} } { if {$name == {}} { uplevel #0 {if {[info exists seqcount] == "0"} {set seqcount 0} ;} global seqcount incr seqcount set name Seq$seqcount } set t [blockfunc $name] global mc $t; set oo {} for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {append oo " o$i"} # set ttt "{clkb clka c $oo }" # puts $ttt newproc {} $name {trig} [eval list clkb clka c $oo] 40 {} seq blockclear $name set lc [string tolower $name] set $t "for {set o 0} {\$o < $n} {incr o} { after \[expr int($del*(\$o+1-0.5))\] \"trig $name clkb\" ; after \[expr int($del*(\$o+1))\] \" set $name.c \$o; trig $name o\$o\" ; after \[expr int($del*(\$o+1.5))\] \"trig $name clka\" }" return $name } proc newstack { {name {}} } { if {$name == {}} { uplevel #0 {if {[info exists stackcount] == "0"} {set stackcount 0} ;} global stackcount incr stackcount set name Stack$stackcount } set stack $name.stack set t [blockfunc $name] global $stack $t newproc {} $name {in mode trig} {stack out} blockclear $name set f " global $stack $name.mode $ $name.trig $name.out puts \${$name.mode} puts \${$stack},\${$name.mode} switch \${$name.mode} clear {puts c; set $stack {}} push {puts u; append $stack \\ \\\{ \$\{$\} \\\} } pop {puts o,\[lrange \$\{$stack\} 0 \[ expr \[llength \{$stack\}\] -1\]\]; set $name.out \[lindex \$\{$stack\} end\]; if {\[llength \${$stack}\] == 1} {puts ---1---; set $stack {}} { set $stack \[lrange \${$stack} 0 \[ expr \[llength \${$stack}\] -2\]\] } } idle {puts i} default {puts d}; " set $t $f return $name } proc newtext { {width {60}} {height {40}} {tags {}} {name {}} } { if {$name == {}} { uplevel #0 {if {[info exists textcount] == "0"} {set textcount 0} ;} global textcount incr textcount set name Text$textcount } set t [blockfunc $name] global mc $t; set $t {} #uplevel #0 {if {[info exists textcount] == "0"} {set textcount 0} ;} #global textcount mc #incr textcount #set name Text$textcount #set t "{$name.bfunc}" ; global $t puts $t newblock $name 0 0 $width $height in {} $tags blockclear $name $mc create text 6 10 -text $name -anchor nw -fill navy -font "courier 10" -tags "$name textfield" set $t "global mc; \$mc itemco \[tag_and { $name textfield }\] -text \$\{$\} " return $name } proc onefield { {path } {label } {var } {width1 {20}} {width2 {20}} } { frame $path; pack $path -expand n -fill none; label $path.l -text $label -font "helvetica 15" -bg grey90 -width $width1; pack $path.l -side left; global $var; entry $path.e -textvar $var -font "courier 15" -width $width2; pack $path.e -side left -expand y -fill x if {$label == "Image"} { global ccontent eval set file $$var .tc.c del image ; catch "{image delete tcim}" catch "set lim [image create photo tcim -file $file ] ; .tc.c create image 1 1 -anchor nw -image tcim -tag image" } } proc open_text { {n {}} } { global textname if {[winfo exists .tt] == 0} { toplevel .tt set textname $n text .tt.t -width 40 -height 8 frame .tt.f entry .tt.f.e -textvar textname -width 30 button .tt.f.s -text Save -command { global textname; set f [open $textname w]; puts $f [.tt.t get 0.0 end]; close $f } button .tt.f.l -text Load -command { global textname; .tt.t del 0.0 end; set f [open $textname r]; while {[eof $f] == 0} { .tt.t insert end "[gets $f] \n" }; close $f } bind .tt.f.e { set textname [tk_getOpenFile] } pack .tt.t -expand y -fill both pack .tt.f -side bottom -expand n -fill x pack .tt.f.e -side left -expand y -fill x pack .tt.f.s -side right pack .tt.f.l -side right } { set textname $n } if {$textname != {}} { .tt.f.l invoke } } proc otherpins { {block } {pin } } { set o {}; foreach w [pin_get_wirenames $block $pin] {lappend o [wire_other $w $block $pin]} ; return $o } proc pin_get_wirenames { {block } {pin } } { global mc; set o {}; foreach i [eval "tag_and {wire $block $pin}"] { eval "set w {[$mc itemcget $i -tags]}"; if {[lrange $w 3 4] == [list $block $pin] || [lrange $w 5 6] == [list $block $pin]} { lappend o [lindex $w 0]} }; return $o } proc pinvar { {block } {pin } } { append o $block . $pin ; return $o } proc procs_window { } { global defaultprocs if {[info exists defaultprocs] != 1} { set defaultprocs {} } get_procvanilla toplevel .f listbox .f.l -height 5 ; pack .f.l -expand n -fill x text .f.t -width 20 -height 4 -wrap none ; pack .f.t -expand y -fill both frame .f.f; pack .f.f -expand n -fill x button .f.f.b -text {Update Proc} -command { global procs; set p [.f.t get 0.0 end]; eval $p; set procs([lindex $p 1]) $p } pack .f.f.b -side right bind .f.l { global cf; set cf [selection get]; .f.t del 0.0 end; .f.t insert end "proc $cf \{" foreach a [info args $cf] { if { [info default $cf $a b] == 1} { .f.t insert end " {$a {$b}}" } { .f.t insert end " {$a}" } } .f.t insert end " \} \{[info body $cf]\} " } button .f.f.b2 -text "Refresh List" -command { set o {}; foreach i [info procs] { if {[string match {tk*} $i] == 0 && [string match {tcl*} $i] == 0 && [lsearch $defaultprocs $i] == -1 } { lappend o $i } }; .f.l del 0 end; foreach i [lsort $o] {.f.l insert end $i} }; pack .f.f.b2 -side right entry .f.f.f -width 15 -textvar procsfile pack .f.f.f -side left button -text {Save Procs} -command { global procsfile procs set o {} foreach i [lsort [array names procs]] { eval append o { $procs($i) } \n } set f [open $procsfile w]; puts $f $o; close $f } pack -side left bind .f.l [bind .f.l [bind .f.l ]] } proc readccat { } { foreach i [split [lindex [split $w \t] 0] {}] { set k [lindex [array get ha $i] 1]; if {$k != {} } {if {$k == " "} {$wt insert insert " "; $wt mark set insert insert-1c} {eval $bh.b$ha($i) invoke}} } } proc reload_canvas { } { global mc set fn [tk_getOpenFile]; if {$fn != ""} { $mc del all foreach i [winfo children $mc] {destroy $i} source $fn } } proc reloadpage { {user {0}} } { set o "\n[servhtml $user 0]" append o "

\nLoad lastest page update\n\n" return $o } proc remprocnls { } { set ci 0 foreach cf [.f.l get 0 end] { #puts $cf,$ci .f.l see $ci .tt.t del 0.0 end .tt.t insert end "proc $cf \{" foreach a [info args $cf] { if { [info default $cf $a b] == 1} { .tt.t insert end " {$a {$b}}" } { .tt.t insert end " {$a}" } } .tt.t insert end " \} \{[info body $cf]\} " set c 100; while { ( [.tt.t get 2.0 3.0] == "\n" || [.tt.t get 2.0 3.0] == " \n" || [allspaces [.tt.t get 2.0 2.end]] == 1 ) && $c > 0} {.tt.t del 2.0 3.0 ; incr c -1; update} set c 100; while { ( [.tt.t get end-2line end-1line] == "\n" || [.tt.t get end-2line end-1line] == "\n" || [allspaces [.tt.t get end-2line end-1line-1char]] == 1 ) && $c > 0} {.tt.t del end-2line end-1line ; incr c -1; update} eval "[.tt.t get 0.0 end]" incr ci } } proc run { {block } {pins {}} {mode {}} } { global mc; set delay 600; global ident ; set idento {}; for {set i 0} {$i < $ident} {incr i} {append idento " "} ; incr ident +1 ; #puts "******$block*******,$pins,$mode" if {$block == {}} {return {}}; if {$pins == {}} { set pins [block_get_pinnames $block {pin typeout}] } transfer $block foreach pin $pins { #puts -nonewline ^ if {$block == {} && $pin == {} } {return {}}; if {$mode != ""} {showactive $block $pin red; update; } foreach w [pin_get_wirenames $block $pin] { #puts $idento,_$w #puts -nonewline & set nb [lindex [wire_other $w $block $pin] 0]; #if {$block == "$block"} {puts "$idento$pin,$w,$nb"} uplevel #0 eval $\{[blockfunc $nb]\} if {$mode == "delay"} { #puts ***$nb,$pins,$mode after $delay uplevel #0 run "$nb {{}} $mode" } { uplevel #0 run $nb {{}} $mode # foreach o [block_get_pinnames $nb typeout] { # } } } if {$mode != ""} {eval "after $delay showactive $block $pin navy"; update }; }; incr ident -1 } proc save_blocks { {file } {blocks } } { set f [open $file w] foreach b $blocks { puts $f "set $b ${$b.bfunc}" } close $f } proc save_canvas { } { global mc set o "" set sv {bcount scopeindex wireindex shellindex drumindex} eval global $sv eval {append o global " " $sv \n} foreach i $sv { eval set j $$i append o set " " $i " " $j \n } foreach in [image names] { append o "image create photo " $in " -file " [$in cget -file] \n } foreach i [$mc find all] { if {[$mc type $i] != "window"} { append o $mc " " create " " [$mc type $i] " " [$mc coords $i] foreach k [ $mc itemco $i] { append o " " [lindex $k 0] " " [list [lindex $k end]] } append o \n } } set fn [tk_getSaveFile]; if {$fn != ""} { set fd [open $fn w]; puts $fd $o; close $fd } } proc save_canvasvars { {n } } { global nnn set nnn $n uplevel #0 { set ooo {} foreach bi [tag_and {block}] { set b [block_name_fromid $bi] foreach i [lsort -dict [info vars $b.*]] { if {[string index $i 0] != "\$" && [array exists $i] == 0} { eval set ttt $\{$i\} #set uuu "set \{$i\} \{$ttt\} \n" #eval set uuu $\{$i\} append ooo "set " $i " " \{ $ttt \} \n } } } set f [open $nnn w]; puts $f $ooo; close $f } } proc save_procs { {n } } { global procsfile procs set o {} foreach i [lsort [array names procs]] { eval append o { $procs($i) } \n } set f [open $procsfile w]; puts $f $o; close $f } proc save_procs2 { {n } } { global nnn set nnn $n uplevel #0 { set ooo {} foreach i [lsort -dict [info procs]] { if {[lsearch $defaultprocs $i] == -1 && [string index $i 0] != "\$" } { # eval set ttt $\{$i\} # set uuu "set \{$i\} \{$ttt\} \n" # eval set uuu {} #append ooo "set " $ttt " " $uuu \n append ooo "proc $i { " foreach a [info args $i] { set d "" if {[info default $i $a d]} {set d " {$d}"} append ooo "{$a $d} " } append ooo " } {" [info body $i] "}\n\n" } } set f [open $nnn w]; puts $f $ooo; close $f } } proc save_procs_bak { {n } } { set o {} foreach i [lsort [array names procs]] { eval append o { $procs($i) } \n }; # puts $o set f [open {procs.tcl} w]; puts $f $o; close $f } proc save_vars { {n } } { global nnn set nnn $n uplevel #0 { set ooo {} set defaultvars {defaultvars ooo nnn ttt} foreach i [lsort -dict [info vars]] { if {[string match {tk*} $i] == 0 && [string match {tcl*} $i] == 0 && [lsearch $defaultvars $i] == -1 && [string index $i 0] != "\$" && [array exists $i] == 0} { eval set ttt $\{$i\} set uuu "set \{$i\} \{$ttt\} \n" eval set uuu {} #append ooo "set " $ttt " " $uuu \n append ooo $uuu } } set f [open $nnn w]; puts $f $ooo; close $f } } proc savefile { {wn {0}} } { global wt set t [tk_getSaveFile] if {$t == {}} return set fd [open $t w] if {[file writable $t] == 0} {close $fd ; return } puts $fd [$wt($wn) dump -text -image 0.0 end] close $fd } proc savehis { {file } } { set f [open $file w]; puts $f [history]; close $f } proc savehist { {n } } { set f [open $n w]; puts $f [history] ; close $f } proc send { {line { }} } { global sock if {$sock == -1} { log "(failed attempt to send:\n$line)\n" return } puts $sock $line flush $sock log $line\n } proc set_varvanilla { } { global defaultvars set defaultvars [lsort [info procs]] } proc setbfunc { {b } {f } {t {}} } { global bfunc set fn [blockfunc $b $t] set $fn $f } proc showactive { {block } {pin } {c } } { global mc; if {$c == {}} {return}; $mc itemco [ eval "tag_and {pin $block $pin}"] -fill $c } proc showentry { {ind {0}} } { global db fb de currentid if {[winfo exists .db] == 0} { toplevel .db frame .db.f1 ; pack .db.f1 set fb .db.f1 } if {[winfo exists .db.fc] == 0} { frame .db.fc pack .db.fc -side bottom -expand 0 -fill x button -text next -command {global currentid ; incr currentid; showentry $currentid } pack -side right button .db.fc.bp -text Previous -command { global currentid ; incr currentid -1; showentry $currentid } ; pack .db.fc.bp -side right entry .db.fc.en -textvar currentid -width 4 ; pack .db.fc.en -side right bind .db.fc.en {global currentid; showentry $currentid} } foreach i [winfo children .db.f1] {destroy $i} set i 0 set de [split [lindex $db $ind] \t] #puts $de foreach d $de { if {$d != {}} { frame $fb.f$i; label $fb.f$i.l -text $i; #puts de$i,$d global de$i set de$i $d; entry $fb.f$i.e -textvar de$i; pack $fb.f$i; pack $fb.f$i.l $fb.f$i.e -side left; } incr i } } proc sliders { {sl {{viewx 360} {viewy 360} {viewz 360}}} {w {.sl}} } { destroy $w toplevel $w foreach s $sl { set min 0 set name [lindex $s 0] if {[llength $s] > 1} {set max [lindex $s 1]} {set max 120; set min -12} frame $w.$name pack $w.$name -side left -expand y -fill y scale $w.$name.s -orient vertical -from $min -to $max -command "slidsend $name" pack $w.$name.s -side top -expand y -fill both bind $w.$name.s slidsendupdate label $w.$name.l -text $name pack $w.$name.l -side bottom -expand n -fill x eval "bind $w.$name.l { global $w,$name,e pack forget $w.$name.l entry $w.$name.e -width 6 -textvar $w,$name,e set $w,$name,e \[$w.$name.l cget -text\] pack $w.$name.e -side bottom -expand n -fill x bind $w.$name.e { global $w,$name,e eval $w.$name.l conf -text \$\{$w,$name,e\} destroy $w.$name.e pack $w.$name.l -side bottom -expand n -fill x eval $w.$name.s conf -command \{ \"slidsend \$\{$w,$name,e\}\ \" \} } } " } } proc slidsend { {n } {v } } { send "$n $v" } proc slidsendupdate { } { send update } proc stream_connect { {cg {.cg}} {host {localhost}} {port {6543}} } { global sock puts $cg,$host,$port if {$sock != -1} { log "Connect attempt while already connected: ignored" $cg set sock -1 return } if {[catch {set sock [socket $host $port]}] !=0} { set sock -1 log "Attempt to connect to $host $port failed.\n" $cg return } fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering line eval fileevent $sock readable "{ global sock in if {\[eof \$sock\] != 0} { log \"Connection closed.\\n\" $cg close \$sock ; set sock -1 } { set in \[gets \$sock\] log \\\[\$in\\\]\\n $cg } }" } proc streamui { {cg {.cg}} {host {localhost}} {port {6543}} } { catch {destroy $cg} toplevel $cg frame $cg.f1 pack $cg.f1 -side top -expand n -fill x label $cg.f1.lh -text Host ; pack $cg.f1.lh -side left -expand n -fill none entry $ -width 12 -textvar $cg.hostname ; pack $ -side left -expand n -fill x label $cg.f1.lp -text Port; pack $cg.f1.lp -side left -expand n -fill none entry $cg.f1.ep -width 4 -textvar $cg.port ; pack $cg.f1.ep -side left -expand n -fill x uplevel #0 "set $cg.hostname $host; set $cg.port $port" frame $cg.f2 pack $cg.f2 -side top -expand n -fill x button $cg.f2.bc -text Connect -command " stream_connect $cg \${$cg.hostname} \${$cg.port} " pack $cg.f2.bc -side left -expand n -fill none text $ -width 32 -height 4 -font "courier 9" pack $ -side bottom -expand n -fill x entry $cg.el -textvar $cg.line pack $cg.el -side bottom -expand n -fill x bind $cg.el " global $cg.line send \${$cg.line} $cg.el selection range 0 end " frame $cg.f3 pack $cg.f3 -side top -expand n -fill x button $cg.f3.bvx -text Rotx+ -command { global viewx incr viewx 10 send "viewx $viewx" ; send update } pack $cg.f3.bvx -side left -expand n -fill none } proc tag_and { {tl } } { global mc set r [$mc find withtag [lindex $tl 0]] foreach i [lrange $tl 1 end] { set r [listunion $r [$mc find withtag $i] ] } return $r } proc tagbbox { {tags {}} } { global mc foreach b [tag_and [eval list block $tags]] { cbbox [lindex [$mc itemcget $b -tags] 0] } } proc tclPkgSetup { {dir } {pkg } {version } {files } } { global auto_index package provide $pkg $version foreach fileInfo $files { set f [lindex $fileInfo 0] set type [lindex $fileInfo 1] foreach cmd [lindex $fileInfo 2] { if {[string equal $type "load"]} { set auto_index($cmd) [list load [file join $dir $f] $pkg] } else { set auto_index($cmd) [list source [file join $dir $f]] } } } } proc tclPkgUnknown { {name } {version } {exact {}} } { global auto_path tcl_platform env if {![info exists auto_path]} { return } # Cache the auto_path, because it may change while we run through # the first set of pkgIndex.tcl files set old_path [set use_path $auto_path] while {[llength $use_path]} { set dir [lindex $use_path end] # we can't use glob in safe interps, so enclose the following # in a catch statement, where we get the pkgIndex files out # of the subdirectories catch { foreach file [glob -nocomplain [file join $dir * pkgIndex.tcl]] { set dir [file dirname $file] if {[file readable $file] && ![info exists procdDirs($dir)]} { if {[catch {source $file} msg]} { tclLog "error reading package index file $file: $msg" } else { set procdDirs($dir) 1 } } } } set dir [lindex $use_path end] set file [file join $dir pkgIndex.tcl] # safe interps usually don't have "file readable", nor stderr channel if {([interp issafe] || [file readable $file]) && ![info exists procdDirs($dir)]} { if {[catch {source $file} msg] && ![interp issafe]} { tclLog "error reading package index file $file: $msg" } else { set procdDirs($dir) 1 } } # On the Macintosh we also look in the resource fork # of shared libraries # We can't use tclMacPkgSearch in safe interps because it uses glob if {(![interp issafe]) && [string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"]} { set dir [lindex $use_path end] if {![info exists procdDirs($dir)]} { tclMacPkgSearch $dir set procdDirs($dir) 1 } foreach x [glob -nocomplain [file join $dir *]] { if {[file isdirectory $x] && ![info exists procdDirs($x)]} { set dir $x tclMacPkgSearch $dir set procdDirs($dir) 1 } } } set use_path [lrange $use_path 0 end-1] if {[string compare $old_path $auto_path]} { foreach dir $auto_path { lappend use_path $dir } set old_path $auto_path } } } proc tcl_endOfWord { {str } {start } } { global tcl_nonwordchars tcl_wordchars if {[regexp -indices "$tcl_nonwordchars*$tcl_wordchars+$tcl_nonwordchars" [string range $str $start end] result]} { return [expr {[lindex $result 1] + $start}] } return -1 } proc tcl_envTraceProc { {lo } {n1 } {n2 } {op } } { global env set x $env($n2) set env($lo) $x set env([string toupper $lo]) $x } proc tcl_startOfNextWord { {str } {start } } { global tcl_nonwordchars tcl_wordchars if {[regexp -indices "$tcl_wordchars*$tcl_nonwordchars+$tcl_wordchars" [string range $str $start end] result]} { return [expr {[lindex $result 1] + $start}] } return -1 } proc tcl_startOfPreviousWord { {str } {start } } { global tcl_nonwordchars tcl_wordchars if {[string equal $start end]} { set start [string length $str] } if {[regexp -indices "$tcl_nonwordchars*($tcl_wordchars+)$tcl_nonwordchars*\$" [string range $str 0 [expr {$start - 1}]] result word]} { return [lindex $word 0] } return -1 } proc tcl_wordBreakAfter { {str } {start } } { global tcl_nonwordchars tcl_wordchars set str [string range $str $start end] if {[regexp -indices "$tcl_wordchars$tcl_nonwordchars|$tcl_nonwordchars$tcl_wordchars" $str result]} { return [expr {[lindex $result 1] + $start}] } return -1 } proc tcl_wordBreakBefore { {str } {start } } { global tcl_nonwordchars tcl_wordchars if {[string equal $start end]} { set start [string length $str] } if {[regexp -indices "^.*($tcl_wordchars$tcl_nonwordchars|$tcl_nonwordchars$tcl_wordchars)" [string range $str 0 $start] result]} { return [lindex $result 1] } return -1 } proc tkFocusOK { {w } } { set code [catch {$w cget -takefocus} value] if {($code == 0) && ($value != "")} { if {$value == 0} { return 0 } elseif {$value == 1} { return [winfo viewable $w] } else { set value [uplevel #0 $value $w] if {$value != ""} { return $value } } } if {![winfo viewable $w]} { return 0 } set code [catch {$w cget -state} value] if {($code == 0) && ($value == "disabled")} { return 0 } regexp Key|Focus "[bind $w] [bind [winfo class $w]]" } proc tk_dialog { {w } {title } {text } {bitmap } {default } {args } } { global tkPriv tcl_platform # Check that $default was properly given if {[string is int $default]} { if {$default >= [llength $args]} { return -code error "default button index greater than number of buttons specified for tk_dialog" } } elseif {[string equal {} $default]} { set default -1 } else { set default [lsearch -exact $args $default] } # 1. Create the top-level window and divide it into top # and bottom parts. catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w -class Dialog wm title $w $title wm iconname $w Dialog wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW { } # Dialog boxes should be transient with respect to their parent, # so that they will always stay on top of their parent window. However, # some window managers will create the window as withdrawn if the parent # window is withdrawn or iconified. Combined with the grab we put on the # window, this can hang the entire application. Therefore we only make # the dialog transient if the parent is viewable. # if { [winfo viewable [winfo toplevel [winfo parent $w]]] } { wm transient $w [winfo toplevel [winfo parent $w]] } if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"]} { unsupported1 style $w dBoxProc } frame $ frame $ if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "unix"]} { $ configure -relief raised -bd 1 $ configure -relief raised -bd 1 } pack $ -side bottom -fill both pack $ -side top -fill both -expand 1 # 2. Fill the top part with bitmap and message (use the option # database for -wraplength and -font so that they can be # overridden by the caller). option add *Dialog.msg.wrapLength 3i widgetDefault if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"]} { option add *Dialog.msg.font system widgetDefault } else { option add *Dialog.msg.font {Times 12} widgetDefault } label $w.msg -justify left -text $text pack $w.msg -in $ -side right -expand 1 -fill both -padx 3m -pady 3m if {[string compare $bitmap ""]} { if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"] && [string equal $bitmap "error"]} { set bitmap "stop" } label $w.bitmap -bitmap $bitmap pack $w.bitmap -in $ -side left -padx 3m -pady 3m } # 3. Create a row of buttons at the bottom of the dialog. set i 0 foreach but $args { button $w.button$i -text $but -command [list set tkPriv(button) $i] if {$i == $default} { $w.button$i configure -default active } else { $w.button$i configure -default normal } grid $w.button$i -in $ -column $i -row 0 -sticky ew -padx 10 grid columnconfigure $ $i # We boost the size of some Mac buttons for l&f if {[string equal $tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"]} { set tmp [string tolower $but] if {[string equal $tmp "ok"] || [string equal $tmp "cancel"]} { grid columnconfigure $ $i -minsize [expr {59 + 20}] } } incr i } # 4. Create a binding for on the dialog if there is a # default button. if {$default >= 0} { bind $w " [list $w.button$default] configure -state active -relief sunken update idletasks after 100 set tkPriv(button) $default " } # 5. Create a binding for the window that sets the # button variable to -1; this is needed in case something happens # that destroys the window, such as its parent window being destroyed. bind $w {set tkPriv(button) -1} # 6. Withdraw the window, then update all the geometry information # so we know how big it wants to be, then center the window in the # display and de-iconify it. wm withdraw $w update idletasks set x [expr {[winfo screenwidth $w]/2 - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2 - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $w]]}] set y [expr {[winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $w]]}] wm geom $w +$x+$y wm deiconify $w # 7. Set a grab and claim the focus too. set oldFocus [focus] set oldGrab [grab current $w] if {[string compare $oldGrab ""]} { set grabStatus [grab status $oldGrab] } grab $w if {$default >= 0} { focus $w.button$default } else { focus $w } # 8. Wait for the user to respond, then restore the focus and # return the index of the selected button. Restore the focus # before deleting the window, since otherwise the window manager # may take the focus away so we can't redirect it. Finally, # restore any grab that was in effect. tkwait variable tkPriv(button) catch {focus $oldFocus} catch { # It's possible that the window has already been destroyed, # hence this "catch". Delete the Destroy handler so that # tkPriv(button) doesn't get reset by it. bind $w {} destroy $w } if {[string compare $oldGrab ""]} { if {[string compare $grabStatus "global"]} { grab $oldGrab } else { grab -global $oldGrab } } return $tkPriv(button) } proc tk_focusFollowsMouse { } { set old [bind all ] set script { if {("%d" == "NotifyAncestor") || ("%d" == "NotifyNonlinear") || ("%d" == "NotifyInferior")} { if [tkFocusOK %W] { focus %W } } } if {$old != ""} { bind all "$old; $script" } else { bind all $script } } proc tk_focusNext { {w } } { set cur $w while 1 { # Descend to just before the first child of the current widget. set parent $cur set children [winfo children $cur] set i -1 # Look for the next sibling that isn't a top-level. while 1 { incr i if {$i < [llength $children]} { set cur [lindex $children $i] if {[winfo toplevel $cur] == $cur} { continue } else { break } } # No more siblings, so go to the current widget's parent. # If it's a top-level, break out of the loop, otherwise # look for its next sibling. set cur $parent if {[winfo toplevel $cur] == $cur} { break } set parent [winfo parent $parent] set children [winfo children $parent] set i [lsearch -exact $children $cur] } if {($cur == $w) || [tkFocusOK $cur]} { return $cur } } } proc tk_focusPrev { {w } } { set cur $w while 1 { # Collect information about the current window's position # among its siblings. Also, if the window is a top-level, # then reposition to just after the last child of the window. if {[winfo toplevel $cur] == $cur} { set parent $cur set children [winfo children $cur] set i [llength $children] } else { set parent [winfo parent $cur] set children [winfo children $parent] set i [lsearch -exact $children $cur] } # Go to the previous sibling, then descend to its last descendant # (highest in stacking order. While doing this, ignore top-levels # and their descendants. When we run out of descendants, go up # one level to the parent. while {$i > 0} { incr i -1 set cur [lindex $children $i] if {[winfo toplevel $cur] == $cur} { continue } set parent $cur set children [winfo children $parent] set i [llength $children] } set cur $parent if {($cur == $w) || [tkFocusOK $cur]} { return $cur } } } proc to7seg { } { } proc togglepinsel { {ids } } { global mc foreach id $ids { if {[$mc itemcget $id -fill] != "green"} { $mc itemco $id -fill green $mc addtag selectedpin withtag $id } { $mc itemco $id -fill darkblue $mc dtag $id selectedpin } } } proc transfer { {blocks } } { global togglepinson mc set togglepinson 1 #puts *****$blocks foreach bl $blocks { #puts ****$bl,[block_get_pinnames $bl typeout] foreach p [block_get_pinnames $bl typeout] { #puts ***[pin_get_wirenames $bl $p] foreach w [pin_get_wirenames $bl $p] { #puts **$bl,$p,$w set a $bl.$p; #puts a=$a set o [wire_other $w $bl $p]; if {$togglepinson == 1} { set fromp [eval tag_and \{$bl $p pin\}] set top [eval tag_and \{[lindex $o 0] [lindex $o 1] pin\}] togglepinsel $fromp togglepinsel $top update } #puts $fromp,$top #puts o=$o set b [lindex $o 0].[lindex $o 1]; #puts b=$b global $a $b eval set $b $\{$a\} #puts -nonewline "transfering $a,$b --> "; eval puts ,$\{$a\} } } }; if {$togglepinson == 1} { $mc itemco pin -fill darkblue $mc dtag all selectedpin } return ok } proc trig { {b } {p } {g {y}} } { global mc foreach w [pin_get_wirenames $b $p] { set nb [lindex [wire_other $w $b $p] 0]; if {$g != "0"} {cbbox $nb ; update} uplevel #0 eval $\{[blockfunc $nb]\} if {$g != "0"} {after 50 "$mc del bbox ; update"} transfer $nb } } proc update_dbvar { {a } } { global dbvar currententry dbcurrent dbcurrentvars foreach i $dbcurrentvars { if {[eval $$i] != {}} { } } } proc update_entry { {newentryvar {dbcurrent}} {en {}} {dbname {dbvar}} } { upvar #0 $newentryvar e $dbname db if {$en == {}} {global currententry; set en $currententry} set db [lreplace $db $en $en $e] } proc wire_coord { {name } {pin } {x } {y } } { global mc # puts $name,$pin,$x,$y; set w [ listunion [$mc find withtag $pin] [listunion [$mc find withtag $name] [$mc find withtag wire]] ] ; # foreach i [ listunion [$mc find withtag wire] [$mc find withtag $name] ] { # # } if {$w == {}} { return} foreach ww $w { set t [eval $mc itemcget $ww -tags] # puts $ww,$t for {set i 3} {$i < [llength $t]} {set i [expr $i+2]} { # puts $i if {[lindex $t $i] == $name} { if {[lindex $t [expr $i+1]] == $pin} { eval $mc coords $ww "[ lreplace [$mc coords $ww] [expr $i-3] [expr $i+1-3] $x $y]" ; } } ; } ; } } proc wire_other { {wname } {block } {pin } } { global mc; set r {}; set t [$mc itemcget [eval "tag_and {$wname wire}"] -tags]; if {[lindex $t 3] == $block && [lindex $t 4] == $pin} {set r [lrange $t 5 6]}; if {[lindex $t 5] == $block && [lindex $t 6] == $pin} {set r [lrange $t 3 4]}; return $r } proc wire_update { {name } } { global mc foreach i [ listunion [$mc find withtag $name] [$mc find withtag pin ] ] {eval wire_coord $name [lindex [eval $mc itemcget $i -tags] 3] [lrange [eval $mc coords $i] 0 1] } }