I've decided after good example to write some diary pages with toughts and events.
Oh, in case anybody fails to understand, I'd like to remind them that these pages are copyrighted, and that everything found here may not be redistributed in any other way then over this direct link without my prior consent. That includes family, christianity, and other cheats. The simple reason is that it may well be that some people have been ill informed because they've spread illegal 'copies' of my materials even with modifications. Apart from my moral judgement, that is illegal, and will be treated as such by me. Make as many references to these pages as you like, make hardcopies, but only of the whole page, including the html-references, and without changing a iota or tittel...
And if not? I won't hesitate to use legal means to correct wrong
that may be done otherwise. And I am serious. I usually am. I'm not sure
I could get 'attempt to grave emotional assault' out of it, but infrigement
on copyright rules is serious enough. And Jesus called upon us to respect
the authorities of state, so christians would of course never do such a
thing. Lying, imagine that.
The idea of the diary is still valid though, so at least it should me marked that I find it relevant to make certain ideas and thoughts publicly readable enough in articulated enough form.
As I've written about, I've some years ago found counterpressure in my life to the point where lets say family has even been willing to steep to the level of trying to get me officially enough declared insane, which luckily never fell through, but at the idea is bad enough, and I'm quite aware that there are people that are not capable of taking the defense I was forced to take against systems and people that seem determined to revive old lets say european evils all too much.
And as I've also written before, I'm not willing to take any nonsense about not having been or being the person that I have been adn am, in full possession and control of my wit, with no lapse capabilities even to lead in lets say spearpoint and high profile enough positions (naturally where that fits my capacities), and or in my capabilities for 'normal' and important human behaviour where such is possible or desirable, because people and systems like I have encountered are getting nothing from me in terms of claiming my place, or making me look bad or uncapable in any way at all.
Zwaninul (Joe, one of the few realy well known jazz pianists/ keyboardists) and von Brown both lived under nazi regime before the wanted to or could get to the US, I read, and honestly, there are people and groups I do not without reason in my opinion suspect to hold major sympathy for the system that only a handfull of decades ago has been so shamefully beaten from the face of the earth, and who would in actual fact not even hesitate much to put it right back in power. I would in general prefer to be in the us already for years, unfortunately letting it wait trusting a party of possibly similar nature, and I am regularly reminded why that is, and surprised at the limitations, unfreedoms, general stupidity and giving away of natural authority that appearently so many are even consciously willing to want to live with.
I had I nice enough jam session yesterday, and good enough to eat, and luckily am able now at least to do things that seriously interest me, and even socially things are awkward and uneasy but at least not completely retarded at the moment, so I don't think I write much from lets say unfair state of mind, but when I pray, observe, look around, watch the news, it surprises me what a misery many people find around the in their own lives and society. And in so many cases apearently even willingly and knowingly, for instance we have had the constitution stuff, the revoluations, the wars, the nazis out of power by utter display of uncapableness, the 60's the have some idea of what free life may be about, lots of luxuries and official freedoms and practical possibilities, and now what should happen?
The beast must receive authority for every molech or baal sacrificed child to be sold to the next antichrist? Normal social and professional relations must always be subjected to suppressions by the SS and approval of the planbureau and oppression of the local or global maffia?
And sacrifices are needed to satisfy mother gea or mary or who the hell else, so in the end at least the great ones can become here pimp and torturer and take the riches her whores collected. Seriously, when I was teenager I was even aware of the biblical images that describe such misery, and already then I discarded the whole thing as to rediculous for words for normal life. How wrong can one be about the level of collective intelligence.
As brough up with some (not too severe inthe religion department) calvinist influences, I was aware too of the fact that man (/woman) is bad by himself, by nature, but why would that make me want to make things worse, and make the whole world a miserable place to begin with, what kind of nonsense is that.
Now he is not crazy enough anymore to be discarded as unrealistic in his views, unknowledgeability of the great things that must be in this world (gmpf), uninitiatedness in the wonderfull and all encompassing womb of christianity in general and great mother church and maybe the allseeying eye as companion especially, and more such nonsense that wouldn't have been easily discarded for what it is: slandarous, maybe envious, of evil intend and born out of maffioso considerations.
I don't think it is of any risc to write such for me, that biblically at least there may be one major factor, and considering the world wide renown of the dutch for their scrutiny, it might apply more than average, in biblical terms taken from the greek more or less by direct translation: 'the lust for money is part of the root of all evil'. I remember having looked at the greek of that verse a few years ago, that the idea of the greek choice of words could also easily indicate another idea than just money, being the having power over people, which in a society like at the time with official slavery and accompanying legislation and rules is not a strange thought.
No reason to start out with the misery described to take place during seven years of predicted 'great tribulation' for the earth and its inhabitants, after christ has come for his church, and make the beast the source of authority, of 'speech' (hello I'm sam you'r talking program, on the commodure 64 is more appealing to me, was more fashionable and hip, and certainly cheaper), and make sure no one can buy or sell without the mark on his right hand or forehead. Seriously. What the f* for.
Can't resist some dutch jokes here, the 'dick voor mekaar show', which had its last quite fun one (for me) last saturday, contains a figure called dikke leo (fat leo) who supposedly sell nothing but crap and fake, so I had the idea that rubbing some foreheads to see what someones kraslot might actually give ('weer niks') is because dikke leo has sold them.
There were compelling reasons to think of another joke (what else can be done than at least make some fun about certian gross errors and evils if no other power is immedeately effective), based on a well known tv show in holland, called 'wie van de drie' where a pannel of famous dutch or belgiums are supposed to guess which one of three candidates is the real person with a certain job, by asking questions. The candidates most try to hide their identity in their answers. When the candidates enter the show, they are on a stage with three, and in turn their spotlight goes on and they state their name and occupation (or special hobby). "Mijn naam is ...", then the second, with standard different intonation, "Mijn naam is ...", and finally the third, again different intonation in a quite familiar way, and then the presenter, repeats in yet another intonation and adds the special job or hobby of the persons, who then step down and take place to be questioned.
The version I had in mind would be 'my name is enigma', 'my name is enigma' (enigma being a deamon I suspect some people are more familiar with than with normal human relations, generally not willing to become known, a sort of mystery person). Ha ha. Very funny. I'll not easily forget the mr Bean scenes about a mideaval church, sort of depicting the sick relations and intregues in the catholic system, which is made quite vivid by atkison and peers, and in my opinion hilarious enough to laugh about for minutes, I did consider a remark though, that in actual fact, such things are of great horror for their victims, and the laughter is because I've been aware of a truckload of religeous sects and errors for decades, and quite sensitive to the sort of thinking that was made fun of in the scenes, and at least I have for many years myself not been treated very well at all by lets say general christianity (not by some particular ones, though than still, the amount of truth and serious and good buildup has been mostly to quite an extend due to me), so I can afford to laugh, still. Never hurts much, quite healthy.
The trust in that law is considerable.
I've never heard about casino owner lie awake at night worries about expectation values from statistics being not met. The idea of probabilities is not too hard to figure out for simple basics. A dice has 6 sides, it is thrown mainly randomly, so we'll get one side with a probability of one out of 6, unless God is capable and willing to play with the dice, which Einstein too seems to have conceeded He doesn't seem to do. And experiment as a good (and probably only) test of theory in the 'harder' sciences for sure, has show incredible reliability of such simple enough statistical considerations for centuries already, so most serious scientists will have no problem at all acknowledging and reasoning on the basis of the law of great numbers, which makes the expectations value for the number sixes after repeated throwing of the dice of n/6 indeed the expectation value, and all the better for larger n.
Suppose we take dices, normal ones, and take as an experiment the throwing of 6-es, lets say we take 6 dices, throw them, and are interested in the number of 6-es we throw, lets say the probability that we throw at least one 6.
On itself it is reasonable to take the probablity expectation value, reverse it, and say that we have fair chance of throwing at least one 6 with 6 dices. But what is the actual probability? If we do our math like statisticians right, we can take the probabilities of the combined unrelated probabilities of throwing one or more sixes, weighed by the number of possible permutations, 6 for 1 out of 6, 6! divided by (6-2)! (where ! stands for faculty, the latter is the so many out of so many or a over b formula), or effectively 6 times 5. Then 3 out of six, regardless of order,which would be 6! /(6-3)!, etc.
The combined probabilities on itself are easy enough, because there is no conditional component, the probabilities are independent, so 1 six is 1/6 times 5/6 to the power of 5, etc. Normalizing the number of possibilities for permutations is easy enough, the total number of possibible dice combinations equals 6 to the power of 6.
As we know, in statistics we always have the option of taking the complement of a probablity, because all probabilities add up to 1, so we could also compute the probability for no sixes at all, where we don't have a complicating number of permutation choices the account for, so we know easily enough that the probability for no sixes is 5/6 to the power of 6, which happens to be about .33, when I'm not mistaking. So we have about 0.67 chance of indeed throwing at least one six with six dices.
There are various lessons to be learned here, the obvious one about the complement of the probabilities being easier to compute. Also, it is a very everyday example, there is not much special about it, no conditional probablities, and yet the computation is not straightforward enough to be easy, only at the level of lets say standard statistics being applied, but when not in science mode, the problem requires a little thinking. The outcome itself is interesting enough, it could be estimated lower, one would normally expect from household considerations that a dice will have a 1/6 probability for each side to come up, so after six throws, we may expect that on the average, we have a fair chance of getting every side up.
Thinking a but further, what happens when we take simply one dice and throw n times? The first computation becomes tedious soon enough, though a computer can easily do it, the second is easy enough, we have a multiplying probablity sequence, with one more multiplication each time we throw again.
The final idea is not irrelevant, and is not unimportant in physics for instance, that is that apart from the big numbers law, where the expectation value of an experiments' statistical variable is normally reached more and more with more samples takes into account, the probability for finding six sixes on a row is a statistically valid figure that can be verified experimentally that is basis on quite simple statistical observations and rules. The same figure can be computed for continuous, multidimensional, complicated probability distributions, and then the same idea still holds, for instance for any number of dices with certain geometries it can still be computed what the probability of an experiment is without any further knowledge than basic statistics and the starting conditions.
In the beginning of the previous century (that sounds cool enough), quantum mechanics were for a major part about the idea that (continuous) statistics yield probabilities that are filled in or find actual states that are of a quantized nature.
In cell, many reactions take place that are based on chemical reactions, many of double direction nature, and the whole thing ticks because of many, many reactions finding various equilibriums and stationary and transitory flow states, some adding mechanical behaviour such as opening and closing gates, others being involved in flux control even electrically.
The previous two sections were not put close together on purpose, I was working on a few ideas at the same time, though the can be read in sequence, I'll add more later. Just a few short points.
I found a site with what they call the Virtual Cell, which is a Java applet which allows one to enter various components of a cell, and the equations that gouvern (coninuous) diffusion and transfer reactions in the cell, between tree major divisions in it, and that describe the reactions and their effect. Major applet, almost 3d graphics, good equations, they even seem to link with a special simulator computer run time to do the pde and other differential equation solving. I'll definately look at it, even if it were only to check out the equations and some example parameter values.
Wanna play a game of life?