There are two major languages translated in the Bible, evidently greek and hebrew.
Some of the literature I used for most of the work mentioned above:
Hebrew old Testament, Norman Snaith, The British and Foreign Bible Society, London, 1958
Pocket interlinear new testament, Jay P. Green, Sr. edt., Baker Book House Michican, 1984
Youngšs Analytical Concordance to the Bible, Robert Young, Hendrickson Publishers, 1996
Greek English Lexicon with Revised Supplement, H.G. Liddel and Scott, Claredon Press, Oxford 1996
The analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, Benjamin Davidson, Zondervan Publishing House, Michican
The New Scofield Reference Bible with Concordance, Oxford University Press, 1970
Het Bijbels namenboek, Jurriaan Wijchers en Simon Kat, uitgeverij Boekencentrum BV, s-Gravenhage 1982
Dakešs Annotational Reference Bible, F.J. Dake, 1978
And various lexicons, dictionaries, and history books found at university libraries. I'll make a more elaborate listing, including page references, etc. as soon as I have more time (and funding).